
Friday, March 25, 2011

America is still a good place!!

Reading the book "Words that Work," I ran across a quote from an address by Ronald Reagan. First, I was again amazed by just how awesome his speech writers were. Then in reading it and letting it hit me I realized that I was raised in a different America than the one I live in today. When I was raised it was cool to be American, 'Proud to be American' was played on the radio, the pledge of allegiance to the American flag was a daily routine in school, in movies the Americans were the good guys who saved innocents from evil dictators.

Alright, so it was little fantasy land, but today the pendulum has swung far too far to the left. Today, it's cool to think of America as the bad guy, it's cool to bad mouth America on the TV, it's cool to commit treason releasing national secrets to the enemy on the internet, it's cool to portray our country as the bad guy in movies. We truly have gone too far.

The question is: Are we really that bad? Or are we more like everyone else, but still one of the good guys? I would argue that we are still a force for good in the world, but we average American citizens need to be more focused on being good citizens at home and less worried about who is abroad. That is we need to look literally and figuratively first at our own backyard. Do we really need to be bombing Libya? Do we need our President, during arguably the worst financial crisis in recent history, to be gallivanting around the world when there are quite literally crisis' at home? Do we need to elect a President with so little experience and track record and so little of a game plan for such a time as this (too late I guess, but we need to be thinking about our next president!)?

It is our duty, each one of us to look in the mirror of each others faces and determine who we wish to be as a nation and be that nation. Perhaps this sounds a little Pollyanna or simplistic, but it really is that simple. It doesn't take a million dollars, a Master's degree, a better neighborhood, or anything else out of reach to be a good neighbor, to stand for what is right and to refuse to believe that we are an evil nation. Are we an evil dictatorship killing average citizens at the whim of our leader? Is our government confiscating public funds and running drug cartels? Do we actively test chemical warfare agents on our citizens? Does our President confiscate public funds to live in a private palace while relegating 75% of the populace to abject poverty and starvation? Do our leaders actively advocate and support pirates and prostitution? The answer to all of these is a resounding NO! But these are real circumstances in many places of the world.

If we are spiraling to our downfall it is not because we are American, but because we are FAILING to be American. We are seeking to be like everyone else and in so doing are diluting and forgetting what made us great and can and will make us great again.

America, historically, was a nation of entrepreneurs and and a nation of individuals seeking better ways to do things to make life better. This is progress. However, we have also been a nation dedicated to principles and values. Clinging to these principles and values is conservatism. Together this is progressively conservative. If we abandon the values and pursue only progressive policies it spells disaster, but conservatism without progress relegates us to history and irrelevance.

Let's stand together for what it means to be American, return to our roots and passionately seek a better way to accomplish the best we possibly can individually and as a nation!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Progressively Conservative

This is where I post things the way I see them. This is what makes sense to me and seems right in a world that seems so wrong.